Editor's review
This is a time synchronization tool for Panasonic PBX equipment.
This utility is used to synchronize internal clock of office PBX. This version supports Panasonic KX-TDA100, 200, 600, KX-TDA100D, 200D and KX-TDE100, 200, and 600 models. The tool offers a very simple interface and your newest recruit in the IT department also will be able to set up the internal time for the PBX units. The clock of the PC that runs the utility is used as a reference to set the clock of the PBX. This way it becomes simple to compare the logs out of PBX and data of the communication operators. The program will query the PBX periodically and sets to the current time, if there is any drift detected. This way you will see the exact time at all the extensions. Besides, the logs and other system reports will have the right time reported against events.
The program interface shows you the model details and how the control PC is connected to the PBX. The connection could be through direct serial lines, through the network or the USB. In case of serial connection mode, you need to set the communication parameters. These include which COM port is being used, the baud rate to be used, parity bits and number of data bits to be used. Stop bit also will need to be specified. Then the operation is as simple as “get time” and “set time”. You get a log of events happening during this time setting process. This is a good tool.
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